4 Tips to Help Sell Your Home Faster

Whether you want to make a quick sale or your home has been on the market for a few months, there are things that you can do to accelerate the process. In some cases, all you need to do is correct some mistakes you’ve made. However, you need to be aware of what they are first if you want to correct them. Sometimes, all you need is to make a small modification for offers to start flooding in. Let’s take a look at a few things you could do to sell your home faster.

Remodel the Exterior

If you feel and know that your exterior isn’t up to par, this should be your priority. The good news here is that you don’t necessarily have to go overboard. Something as simple as adding a deck to your property could be a big winner. Getting new windows with https://americanmadewindowsupstate.com/ is a good idea too. If you have the money, replacing the roof could also elevate the overall look of the house and reassure new buyers.

While some of these things can be done on your own, we strongly suggest you work with a professional. Teams like Home Pro America, for instance, are specialized in these types of projects and could give your house’s exterior a full makeover at an affordable rate. You could decide to go small or big, but you’ll at least be sure that the job will come out right. 

Reconsider the Price

If the phone hasn’t been ringing at all, or if the offers you get are very small, you might want to reevaluate the price. Some people may assume that because they made some modifications, it will automatically warrant a higher price. The truth is that a great house in a not so great neighborhood will ultimately have a cap on it. 

This is why you need to be sensible in your renovations and consider the area as well. You also shouldn’t base yourself on average prices, but median ones. This is because one uncharacteristically high sale could push the average up while the median will give you a better idea of what a mid-range home can expect to sell for in your market.

Stage Your Property

If you’re selling your home without staging, you’re making a huge mistake. Staging is a worthwhile investment when considering the benefits. Good stagers know how to catch the average buyer’s attention. They know what the current trends are and could be your best asset if you’re trying to speed up a sale. This is also something you can do yourself if you have the eye for it, but you might end up paying a comparable price to a stager, only without the expertise.

Have Clear Contingency Dates

You also don’t want things to stall during the buying process. This is why you need to set clear and strict contingency days for every stage. Things like mortgage approval, inspections, title transfer, and other steps all need to have a set time limit so you don’t end up wasting your time and missing out on better offers.

So, as you can see, there are tons of things that can be done to sell a home faster. If you haven’t already, we suggest you work with a realtor and one that knows how to put your listing in front of the right set of eyes.

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